What exactly is a cream ale? TL;DR: We often describe it to newcomers as “an ale that drinks like a lager.”
Our industry standard guide for all beer styles, The Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP), describes it as: “A clean, well-attenuated, highly carbonated, flavorful American “lawnmower” beer. Easily drinkable, smooth, and refreshing, with more character than typical American lagers, yet still subtle and restrained.”
Personally, as we age as beer drinkers and slowly become crotchety old farts, we’re noticing ourselves gravitate toward lighter mouthfeel and flavorful beers that are lower in alcohol content so we can still behave like adults after a few. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still a place in our drinking schedule for hoppy beers and coffee stouts, but on the regular we’re reaching for approachable easy-drinking liquids we can consume four at a time over the course of an evening alongside friends.

So, is there cream in it?
Nope! Not even a little bit. No lactose, no dairy of any kind. It’s not even creamy in taste. The name is simply an old marketing tactic dating back to the 1840s used by American breweries being outsold by very well-made European lagers. They needed to produce something that would compete on flavor as an added bonus, benefitted from a quicker turn time than lager production.
A word about S’Creamer.
Alright, so a cream ale is clean, refreshing, and pairs well with daily life outdoors (AKA lawnmowing). S’Creamer, our take on this style, fits this description to a T. 4.5% ABV and a grist bill consisting of 2-row pale malt, a bit of dextrin for body, and flaked corn and barley. Ever-slightly hopped with Centennial just to lend a touch of comfy bitterness, this beer is certainly a daily drinker. Pair it up with some salty food like chicken wings or even spicy tacos.
As one of our core brands we treat this as a bridge style alongside Tattooed Lady, our workhorse blonde ale. If you’re a regular fan of macro lagers and want to get down with a local offering, this beer is for you. Best when drank alongside a pair of good friends!