2020, what a year huh? *insert eyeroll here*
Six years ago when we started our small business, we never could have imagined a wilder business climate in which to celebrate an anniversary. Rules change frequently, consumer behavior is altered (possibly forever), and the struggle to survive is more and more pointed for not just us, but for all our friends and family in the small business community. If we've learned anything over the course of the last 72 months, Things Will go Wrong, and you just have to figure it out and roll with it. As COVID keeps things "stupidly interesting" for all of us you'll continue to see us work things out a day at a time.
Thank You
Our collective goal with EAW has always been to provide a quality product and a fun and unique experience, constantly relying on you (yes, you!) to tell us how we're doing. Last fall you have all seen our shop undergo a dramatic transformation from the former commercial hose company-adapted brewery to a more accommodating space purpose-built to brew and sell beer.
On October 1st, 2019 we tore the place apart, right down to the concrete block walls, then slowly rebuilt it into a fully-armed and operational brewery you see today. Working with local contractors and volunteers we installed snazzy epoxy flooring, rustic cherry bar top and matching doors and used a blue that is about two pantone colors away from "color of the year", unbeknownst to us at the time.
We wanted to improve our production abilities because for nearly two years we simply couldn't keep up with demand for our beer. We figured if we're going to expand, we should EXPAND. As a fun math comparison, we can fit nearly our entire 2019 production into our cellar at once, an expansion in cellar capacity of 800%. Woo!
The previous space arrangement worked fine for what it was, but it really hampered our ability to grow. We needed to physically separate production and retail activities to move at the pace we need. None of this couldn't have happened without people like yourself - people that belief in two dudes trying to build something cool for this town while doing what we want to do, while plunking down a few bucks and spending a little time our shop rather than someone else's. So, thank you.

We've Come A Long Way, Baby!
When Sunday, September 6th rolls around we officially have been open for business six years. It's important to note that three years of homebrewing, writing business plans, and hunting for startup funding took place prior to that. From that first day in 2014 we've seen and learned a bunch of stuff, something we continue to do over the next six years and beyond. Steve and I couldn't be more honored how this community has embraced and supported us.
We've come a long way as a company, hiring our first round of coworkers in 2019, the remodel/expansion, navigating crises, and brewing lots of beer. Remember when you could literally write on the walls with a Sharpie ( and don't you think about it now!), or stand elbow to elbow while watching a Japanese Noise Rock band, or did some Mind, Body, Beer yoga on a Tuesday night, or ate a boatload of tacos as The Que Abides and The Atacolypse Truck battled for the fanciest trophy in town as winner of the Total Taco Throwdown?

Stop And Say Hey
Our current team consists of Mario (the company engineer), Kyle (master chicken wing chef), Eli (the new guy), and of course Steve and myself (Jeff, if you've not yet determined I'm writing this). You'll see each of each of us at various times over the weekend and we'll extend each of you a distance high-five or elbow bump. It's possible on Friday that Eli and Mario will be dressed as cowboys, why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Also we have to say what up to one of our O.G. coworkers, Christa, whom we miss a bunch and hope she's doing well dahn'ehr in Pittsburgh.
Our food truck friends The Que Abides and The Atacolypse Truck will be with partying with us on Friday and Saturday, respectively. Don't forget the beer too of course!
Thank you for being cool and hanging with us, we promise we won't let you down.
Cheers to the beers.