Over the summer we had a chance to hang out with Carrie from French Street Farms a few times at Flagship Fleas, an open-air flea market event at The Shops on the Hill. She was selling her urban farmed veggies and we were slingin' cans of Tattooed Lady. We had a great time, beers were had and I learned on the fly how to cook mustard greens.
Local produce and local beer, what a thing right?
Fast-forward 6 months and we're teaming up again, this time to serve up some farm workshops. The first being a Pepper and Tomato class on March 18th. Historically I really suck at growing tomatoes, always starting them too late or just not caring for them well enough. Sorry about that little tomatoes! I'll be there learning too.
The second class is all about herbs. Join us on April 15th for a class on herb garden planting where you'll learn what's up with herbs, starting them, hardening them off, splitting, transplanting, and such. Again, beer will be there to help you enhance those master gardening skills.
Pre-Registration Is Required For Both Gigs
Pepper and Tomato Planting
Monday, March 18th, 2019
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Erie Ale Works - 416 West 12th Street
Herb Garden Planting
Monday, April 15th, 2019
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Erie Ale Works - 416 W. 12TH Street
Let's hang out, drink some beer and do some veggie stuff!
- Jeff