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Benevolent Beers: Perseus House, Inc. / Charter School of Excellence

Thursday September, 05, 2024 5:00PM

We team up with Perseus House / Charter School for Excellence for another night of Benevolent Beers!

Their goals are to effectively intervene in the lives of seriously troubled adolescents, with mental health and behavioral concerns, to assist them in avoiding future contact with the juvenile justice and child welfare systems and to help them toward successful adulthood.

This fundraiser will support growth and futuristic stability for both companies. Charter School will develop a health and Recreation Center, providing social-emotional opportunities for our students. Perseus House, Inc. will secure a campus location that will best meet the needs of our clients. Additionally, fundraising assists in providing additional supports outside of our annual budget, such as outings, activities, and equipment.

Every sale rung in between 5:00 and 8:00pm will provide a donation to this group

Benevolent Beers: Perseus House, Inc. / Charter School of Excellence