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Bike the 'Hood

Wednesday July, 31, 2024 6:00PM


Once a month we'll hop on our bicycles and take a leisurely ride through The Gem City. Along the way we'll stop at historical points of interest as Erin Phillips (local historical preservation advocate and curator of @olderieonfoot) enlightens us on past residents, their homes, and how they helped shape our town into what it is today. Sometimes it'll be related to our region's brewing history and sometimes not.

Each month for four months we'll choose a different heading (North, South, East, and West) and plan our route accordingly. This series is free and open to anyone willing to ride a bike across town, learn some new (and yet, old) stuff, and earn a little exercise for your body and brain!

June's heading, East! This slow-ish roll will begin and end at Erie Ale Works, 416 West 12th Street departing at 6:00pm lasting about 90 minutes.

*Parking note: if you're bringing your bike via four-wheeled vehicle, park it in our back parking lot during the ride.

Bike the 'Hood