More Snow, Great.
As I write this it's officially been winter for a full six months in Erie, Pa. SIX MONTHS. We all woke up to at least an inch of new snow sitting on top of a nice, clean, layer of fresh ice. I'm confident that one day, spring will arrive. Hell, I'll take fall at this point. Why? Because it's SNOWING ON APRIL 17!
At my day job, my coworker said, "I gotta take a picture of this bullshit". Indeed, you do. In fact post it to facebook so when the "Memories on this day" thingy pops up you can be reminded how crazy our 2017-2018 weather was and how much better the outlook in 2019 is (fingers crossed).

How To Combat The Never-Ending Winter.
Now keep in mind as I'm writing this, it's snowing sideways out my window. Cars are sliding. Daffodils and Robins are pissed and confused. When you read this article throughout the year you'll get a very nice peek into the mindset this fall/winter/spring has given a sample size of Erie residents. So what can be done to make our lives a bit better?
Easy, drink a beer.
Yep, go to a bar, a grocery store, a brewery, hell even a family-friendly fast casual restaurant. Talk to someone about getting a beer, pronto. And not just any beer, a local beer. Once you have that beer halfway done you'll feel better, the clouds will part, birds will sing and all will be right with the world.
If all of us do that then the worst that can happen is we all feel a little bit better. The best thing that can happen is the weather clears up, that's a 50/50 chance! WHO'S WITH ME!